Human rights activist at UN: UOC believers need your protection

Oleh Denisov at the UN. Photo: screenshot from YouTube channel NGO Public Advocacy

On October 9, 2023, human rights advocate and head of the NGO "Public Advocacy," Oleh Denisov, addressed the United Nations in Geneva, emphasizing that believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) are in need of international protection due to apparent violations of their rights by Ukrainian authorities. The video of Denisov's speech is available on the NGO Public Advocacy YouTube channel.

In his speech, Denisov introduced a video message from Metropolitan Feodosiy of Cherkasy, who is facing legal persecution by the authorities.

"Believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church are in need of international protection today. They need your assistance, as Ukrainian authorities are making widespread discriminatory decisions, such as seizing church lands, initiating lawsuits for the demolition of churches, confiscating churches from monasteries, and failing to fulfill obligations regarding the restitution of church property. I strongly urge the international community, including UN rapporteurs, to react to this information," Denisov stated.

Commenting on Metropolitan Feodosiy's address to the UN, the human rights advocate emphasized the importance of representatives of the UOC speaking at the international level, as "such international criticism allows for influencing the state's policy." He pointed out that violations of rights would be brought to the international level and made public.

Denisov noted that accusations against Metropolitan Feodosiy are groundless, as his statements about other denominations "fall within the realm of freedom of speech and acceptable criticism."

According to Denisov, such critical expressions are a normal practice in a democratic society. From a legal perspective, individuals cannot be judged for expressing their opinions about whether a particular denomination adheres to certain religious canons.

"Therefore, if Ukrainian courts issue verdicts based solely on such statements, it would indicate a double standard of justice in Ukraine," affirmed the head of Public Advocacy. "There are many statements that are much harsher and not just offensive but incite violence from representatives of other denominations who have seized churches or called for seizures, and these statements have not led to any consequences in Ukraine's legal system."

Denisov mentioned that he had conducted several high-level meetings, including with a representative of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and had submitted materials and written statements from UOC dioceses and the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary (KDAiS).

Previously, the UOJ reported that Metropolitan Feodosiy of Cherkasy addressed the United Nations Council.

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