Metropolitan of Cherkasy addresses the UN Council

Speech by Metropolitan Feodosiy at the UN. Photo: Public Advocacy website

On October 9, 2023, a session of the United Nations Human Rights Council took place in Geneva. During the hearing on the report of the UN High Commissioner for Ukraine, the Council members watched a video message from Metropolitan Feodosiy of Cherkasy and Kaniv. This information was reported by the human rights organization Public Advocacy.

Here is the full text of the bishop's address:

"As a citizen of Ukraine, a bishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and a devout Christian, I draw the attention of diplomats, members of the United Nations Human Rights Council, and international organizations to the dire situation faced by believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Our faithful are suffering from violence, hundreds of our churches have been seized, the Holy Dormition Pechersk Lavra Monastery and the Kyiv Theological Academy are being expelled from their premises, and the Ukrainian parliament has passed a law mandating the forced renaming of our denomination. Many bishops and believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, including myself, face criminal charges for our religious beliefs. I am currently under house arrest for my canonical convictions and public statements in defense of the Church.

At the same time, hostile rhetoric, calls for the use of force to raid churches, and even acts of public violence against our believers go unpunished in Ukraine. Authorities are making mass decisions to take away land plots from our communities where churches have already been built by the efforts of UOC believers. Moreover, the Ukrainian parliament plans to pass a law on banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church within the state.

In essence, we are being forcibly coerced to betray our faith and join another denomination established by the Ecumenical Patriarchate. What else can this be but coercion to renounce our religious beliefs? What further evidence is needed to conclude that the right to religious freedom in Ukraine is being grossly violated?

I have submitted a written complaint regarding the violations of the rights of our believers to the United Nations Human Rights Council and other relevant mandate holders in accordance with established procedures.

I earnestly request that you ensure the effective honoring by Ukraine of its international obligations in the field of religious freedom."

The bishop's speech took place immediately after a statement by the human rights defender and head of Public Advocacy, Oleh Denisov, regarding the violations of the rights of UOC believers. Together with several human rights organizations, he facilitated the direct representation of the UOC at the international diplomatic level.

Public Advocacy also noted on its website that, as a result of his speech, "Metropolitan Feodosiy has effectively obtained the status of a UN human rights defender, which allows him to use the resources of this organization for protection. He has special regulations and procedures for the protection of individuals who contact the UN regarding human rights issues."

Earlier, the UOJ reported that a court had denied the request to detain the Metropolitan of Cherkasy.

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