Hamas: Attack on Israel means liberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem

Hamas invasion of Israel. Photo: Reuters

The Palestinian organization Hamas, recognized as a terrorist group in several countries, has stated that the attack on Israel, which began on October 7, 2023, is an operation aimed at the "liberation" of Al-Aqsa Mosque, located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, according to The Jerusalem Post.

Mohammed Deif, the Hamas terror commander in Gaza, called for widespread attacks to sweep away the occupation, "Our righteous mujahideen, this is your day to make the enemy understand that his time is over. They attacked and desecrated Al-Aqsa, and we had previously warned them."

He called on the Muslims of Jerusalem and all Islamic states to engage in armed struggle against Israel "to move and ignite the ground under the feet of the occupation,” and also called on people “in the Negev, the Galilee, and the Triangle to move and confront the occupier everywhere."

Several Telegram channels are sharing videos from Jerusalem, where calls for a "Sacred War" are reportedly coming from mosques.

Deif has called the operation a “storm” or “flood” that is meant to strike Israel.

Previously, it was reported that Putin promised Kadyrov to build a new mosque in Moscow.

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