Phanar bishop calls on Bishop of Macedonia to continue advocating for Tomos

Metropolitan Timothy (center) and Metropolitan Kyrillos (right). Photo:

Metropolitan Kyrillos of Imbros and Tenedos of the Patriarchate of Constantinople called on Metropolitan Timothy of Debar and Kičevo of the Macedonian Orthodox Church to continue to advocate for the issuance of the Tomos for the Macedonian Church from the hands of the head of the Phanar, reports the publication

During the joint service, Metropolitan Timothy of Debar thanked Phanariot Metropolitan Kyrillos, who has been in Macedonia for several days, “for all his participation and willingness to solve our church issue with love.”

Metropolitan Timothy expressed the hope that Patriarch Bartholomew “will continue to wholeheartedly promote the full recognition and universal acceptance of our holy Macedonian Orthodox Church – the Ohrid Archdiocese.”

In his response, Metropolitan Kyrillos said that the head of the Phanar “conveys his brotherly love, embrace and respect personally to Metropolitan Timothy.”

He wished the Macedonian hierarch “to continue to follow the same path as before, to advocate for the issuance of the Tomos of autocephaly by the Ecumenical Patriarchate.”

Metropolitan Kyrillos said that the Macedonian Church has a “thorny road” ahead. But, the Phanar representative further said, he believes, like Patriarch Bartholomew, that “all this will be overcome with the help of Metropolitan Timothy.”

Metropolitan Timothy of Debar and Kičevo is the second bishop of the Macedonian Orthodox Church by consecration.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the authorities of North Macedonia banned the archimandrite of the Russian Orthodox Church from entering the country.

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