“We are moving to the UOC”: OCU activists confused about what they vote for

The head of the “religious meeting” in vlg. Derevyana invited those present to move to the UOC. Photo: Facebook page of N. Shevchuk

On September 30, 2023, in the village of Derevyana in the Obukhiv district, local authorities, together with clerics from the OCU, organized a gathering among the residents regarding the transfer of the Intercession Church. Video of the meeting was published on Facebook by activist Natalia Shevchuk.

After singing the anthem, those present elected a certain Tania as the head of the "religious community," arguing that "she is young, let her work."

Tatiana stated to those present that "we together determine that the religious community is canonically and organizationally subordinate to the administration of the Kyiv Diocese of the UOC and the Kyiv Metropolis of the UOC, accountable to the diocesan assemblies and the diocesan hierarch of the Kyiv Diocese of the UOC."

She asked everyone who "does not object to us transitioning to this Church" to raise a red card.

The situation required the intervention of a "priest" from the OCU, who explained to those present that the UOC is a "Russian Church," and those present should vote "that you are leaving it."

After this remark, the head of the gathering announced a vote "to exit from the previous Church."

Additionally, the attendees voted to have the church commemorate Epifaniy instead of "Russian" Metropolitan Onufriy; for the "termination of the powers" of the church's rector, Archpriest Serhiy, who refused to join the OCU and "does not want to cooperate further with our church"; and to "ordain" a person appointed to the position of rector in his place.

In conclusion, the village head, Oleksandr Boyko, thanked those present for not just coming "to the village council, shouting, and then everything died down," as in other villages, but for being able to stand up to "our opponents" (the legitimate UOC community). According to him, all those present should come to the OCU's akathist service on the Feast of the Holy Protection according to the new calendar to show the priest who disagreed with the transition "how many people go to him and how many come to us."

"I told him that if you join the OCU, more people will come to you," Boyko relayed his conversation with the rector. "But he replied – no one will come." The village head stated that after the documents are prepared, "we will ask him (the rector) peacefully" to leave.

"If he doesn't want to, then we will carry him out," Boyko promised.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that legal companies with million-dollar budgets stand behind the "transitions" to the OCU. According to lawyers, when a "community gathering" is announced in a particular locality for the purpose of transitioning, it means that negotiations with local authorities have already taken place, and they have been successful. A certain sum of money was offered to them. At the time of convening the "meeting," the initiators already know that their illegal protocols will be adopted and registered, and the police will not allow believers to enter.

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