Phanar head: Full unity will crown Catholics-Orthodox dialogue

Patriarch Bartholomew and Pope Francis. Photo:

The ecumenical dialogue between the RCC and the Orthodox Churches leads to the goal that will be crowned by the long-awaited full unity, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople said in his sermon on the feast of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, reports Pro Oriente.

According to the head of the Phanar, the unification of the Orthodox with the Catholics will take place "despite the objections of those who either underestimate the value of theology or consider ecumenism a utopia".

Patriarch Bartholomew noted that he agreed with Pope Francis on "how to confront the great challenges of the present".

It is about eliminating the causes and consequences of "the current huge crisis of refugees and migration", as well as "tragic events of violence in the name of God and religion". These problems clarify the value and importance of interreligious dialogue, "peace and cooperation between religions", the head of the Phanar stressed.

In conclusion, Patriarch Bartholomew recalled his last meeting with the head of the Vatican. For him, each personal meeting "with brother Pope Francis is a special experience of brotherhood", which strengthens the desire on both sides "to go hand in hand, fighting on the way to the common chalice of the Eucharist," said the head of the Phanar.

As reported earlier, Pope Francis said that the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the RCC are approaching full Eucharistic communion.

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