People's deputy demands that Shmygal explain his statement on financing OCU

Denis Shmygal and the OCU head Epiphany Dumenko. Photo:

People's deputy and a member of the Committee for Economic Development Nikolai Skorik demanded that Prime Minister Denis Shmygal explain his statement on Ukraine’s financing the OCU, the MP said on his Facebook page.

The parliamentarian drew attention to Shmygal's statement about "full social and economic support" for the OCU by the state, which sounded from the lips of the Prime Minister during a meeting with the head of the Phanar.

Such a statement by the official runs counter to the status of Ukraine as a secular state enshrined in the Constitution, the deputy stressed.

“In addition, it seems unclear what powers of the Cabinet of Ministers have to provide such support (including financial) to specific church institutions, which means securing specific services, benefits, privileges, etc.,” Skoryk noted.

Nikolai Skorik asked the head of government to explain how to understand his words about support for the OCU if the state is separated from religious structures by law.

As reported earlier, at a meeting with the head of the Phanar, Denis Shmygal said that the state is financing the OCU.

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