Putin promises Kadyrov to build a new mosque in Moscow

Celebration of Kurban Bayram in Moscow. Photo: Ilya Pitalev

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, has announced that during a meeting with President Putin, they agreed on the construction of a new mosque in Moscow. The mosque will be built in the Southern Butovo district on Akhmat-Haji Kadyrov Street. Kadyrov shared this information on his Telegram channel.

According to Kadyrov, Putin emphasized the significant importance of this project for the believers and noted that the issue of mosque construction should have been raised earlier.

Kadyrov stated that there are over 3 million Muslims living in the Russian capital today, and during Islamic holidays, they are forced to pray in the streets, leading to disruptions in the city's services.

Kadyrov expressed confidence that the news of the new mosque's construction will be warmly received not only by the capital's Muslims but by all believers, presumably including the Orthodox Christians.

"I am grateful to Vladimir Vladimirovich for such a valuable gift and am infinitely thankful for everything he does to strengthen and develop our multi-ethnic state," concluded the Chechen leader.

As previously reported by the UOJ, over 300,000 Muslims prayed in Moscow and the surrounding region on Kurban Bayram.

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