A police report filed against KCSA deputy head who insulted the UOC

Deputy Head of the Kyiv City State Administration Volodymyr Prokopiv. Photo: bigkyiv.com.ua

Lawyers filed a police complaint against the deputy head of the Kyiv City State Administration, Volodymyr Prokopiv, who had previously called on the authorities "not to stand aside from the transitions" of communities to the OCU and accused the UOC of "harboring FSB agents." This information was reported on his Telegram channel by the lawyer of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, Father Nikita Chekman.

He stated that Prokopiv's statements indicate his incitement of religious enmity and insult to the feelings of believers.

"As a representative of a government authority, instead of promoting mutual religious and ideological tolerance and respect among citizens, the aforementioned individual incites religious discord," the lawyer noted.

It should be recalled that the Kyiv City Council claimed that the UOC-MP harbors FSB agents in its churches.

As previously reported, the Legal Department of the UOC stated that Prokopiv should apologize to the believers for his insults against the UOC.

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