Athonite hegumen supporting OCU meets with Bulgarian Patriarch

Patriarch Neophytos presents presenting a pectoral cross to hegumen Bartholomew. Photo:

On 25 September, Bulgarian Patriarch Neophytos received Hegumen Bartholomew of the New Esphigmenou Monastery of Athos, who is known for his support of the OCU, reports the Bulgarian Patriarchate's website.

Hegumen Bartholomew visited Patriarch Neophytos together with Metropolitan Emmanuel of Ptolemais of the Alexandrian Patriarchate, who is in Bulgaria at the invitation of the abbot of the Montenegrin Monastery of Sts Cosmas and Damian.

At the meeting, the guests thanked Patriarch Neophytos for the blessing to visit Bulgaria and the Sofia Eparchy and to participate in the feast of St Silouan of Athos at the Montenegrin Monastery, where they celebrated the Liturgy.

During the meeting, Metropolitan Emmanuel conveyed to Patriarch Neophytos greetings from Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria.

In turn, the Primate of the Bulgarian Church thanked the guests for their warm words and conveyed "sincere wishes" to his colleague Patriarch of Alexandria.

The website of the Bulgarian Patriarchate reports that "during the conversation, various topics related to the spiritual uplift of Orthodox Christians around the world were touched upon."

At the end of the meeting, Patriarch Neophytos gave the guests memorable gifts.

As reported, on 8 February 2019, the "bishop" of the OCU Pavel Yuristy and accompanying members of the delegation from the new church structure visited the Athonite monastery of New Esphigmenou, where they were warmly welcomed by Abbot Bartholomew.

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