Lawyers: UOC loses 60-70% of its churches in Kyiv region

Sts Boris and Gleb’s Church in Vyshhorod seized by the OCU and the UGCC. Photo: FB. Nikolai Medinsky

According to lawyers representing the interests of church communities in courts, the OCU is actively seizing UOC churches in the Kyiv region, reports Dialog.tut.

The lawyers claim that in the Pereyaslav district, all the UOC churches have been transferred to the OCU, and they currently remain empty.

According to Dialog.tut journalists, lawyers insist that despite the corrupt schemes of these takeovers, which also involve local authorities, communities should fight for their shrines. This is because all the raiding seizures occur due to criminals' hopes of impunity.

"Someday, all names will become known – both of the illegal registrars and those who signed the protocols, participated in meetings, notarized documents," the lawyers are convinced. This is precisely why it is necessary to carefully document all the violations occurring today.

Therefore, all facts of raiding should be thoroughly documented, lawsuits should be written, and they should be filed in courts. According to lawyers, from a legal standpoint, it is evident that decisions on them will be positive — if not now and not at the level of Ukrainian courts, then in the near future, at the international courts' level, the rulings of which take priority in Ukrainian legislation.

As previously reported, according to lawyers, "transfers" to the OCU are orchestrated by legal companies with multimillion-dollar budgets.

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