Culturologist: Phanar's statement about UOC is an insult to Ukrainians

Culturologist: Phanar's statement about UOC is an insult to Ukrainians

Culturologist Dmitry Burago in an interview with 112 Ukraine TV channel said that the statement of Patriarch Bartholomew is insulting to Ukrainians.

As a reminder, on October 6, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, in response to a letter from "Tserkvarium" publication, stated that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church no longer exists, and that he "temporarily tolerates" His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry in Ukraine.

“I also have to say a few words about the absolutely amazing narrative of the Istanbul Patriarch – and I wonder why no one will say ‘Constantinople’? They don’t have the heart to say so. Why? Because this 'wonderful' person failed to be heard when the status of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul changed. He said nothing on that matter. But now he brings his case to everybody's ears. But I think that our response to what he says is the same: this is an insult to our people, undoubtedly,” said Dmitry Burago in the “People” program on TV channel.

As the UOJ previously reported, Phanar's actions led to the worldwide split of Orthodox Christians.

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