Serbian theologian: State terrorism being waged against UOC

Archpriest Darko Djogo. Photo: SRNA

On September 21, 2023, a conference dedicated to the protection of the UOC took place in Belgrade, where several Serbian theologians and priests spoke, reports the Serbian news agency SRNA.

Archpriest Darko Djogo, a professor at the Orthodox Theological Faculty in Foča (Bosnia and Herzegovina), stated that the struggle for shrines in Ukraine is a battle for the souls and identity of the people living there.

"We are living in an era of state terrorism against the UOC, which continues, and there is no end in sight because there are no international institutions interested in protecting the fundamental rights of UOC believers. This strategy will continue," Djogo said.

He mentioned that the Tomos of autocephaly received by the OCU (Orthodox Church of Ukraine) from the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople is being used by them for aggression against the believers of the canonically recognized Church.

"The Tomos serves as a tool for new violence and legitimization of what has been seized," the priest noted.

As earlier reported, Fr. Darko Djogo, in his publication titled "The Illusory Power of the Patriarchate of Constantinople", stated that the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, intoxicated by the postmodernist authority to create an alternative history, is self-destructing.


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