AFU front battalion thanks UOC parish in Volyn for their help

Archimandrite Onuphry (Kuts). Photo: the clergyman’s Facebook page

The personnel and the commander of the motorised infantry battalion of the 14th separate mechanised brigade of the AFU, which performs combat missions in the Kupiansk direction, expressed gratitude for the aid provided by the St Paraskeva parish of the UOC in vlg. Ratniv, Volyn region, reports the rector of the parish Archimandrite Onuphry (Kuts) on his Facebook page.

He said that he brought gratitude from the military from another volunteer trip to the frontline zone.

"Your assistance to the military unit – a motorised infantry battalion of the 14th separate mechanised brigade named after Prince Roman the Great – greatly facilitated the performance of the military tasks assigned to it and raised the patriotic spirit not only among the military but also among the civilian population,” reads in the letter of commendation, which was received by the parishioners of the St. Paraskeva Church and Archimandrite Onuphry. “In connection with the conscious civic position shown, please accept from our military unit sincere words of gratitude for patriotism, your active participation in the process of uniting the Ukrainian people, the defence of their Homeland and the fight for our common victory".

As earlier reported, the commander of the AFU military unit expressed gratitude to the Dean of the Tsarichanka district of the Kamyanka Eparchy of the UOC, Archpriest Viktor Bryliuk, for the aid provided.

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