ROC hierarch comments on the decision of Cypriot Synod on OCU

Metropolitan Hilarion. Photo:

On November 25, 2020, the Head of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, commented on the statement of the Synod of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus regarding the commemoration of the head of the OCU Epiphany Dumenko by Archbishop Chrysostomos, reports the official website of the ROC.

According to Metropolitan Hilarion, "the schism of world Orthodoxy continues, the person responsible for that is Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople".

Vladyka believes that the anti-canonical act committed by the head of the Phanar in Ukraine now leads to the loss of internal unity in the Local Orthodox Churches.

The Metropolitan stressed that “under pressure from the Patriarch of Constantinople, Archbishop Chrysostomos of Cyprus agreed to commemorate the leader of the Ukrainian schismatic group. Part of the episcopate of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus, as can be seen from the communiqué published today, agreed to support the Primate in this act, and the other part categorically rejects him, guided by the sacred canons and their bishop's conscience".

According to Vladyka Hilarion, “these archpastors are in a difficult position. There is no doubt that they want to preserve the unity of their own Local Church, to preserve peace among their fellows. But faithfulness to Holy Tradition and adherence to canonical rules do not allow them to participate in the commemoration of the schismatic and the recognition of the “Church”, whose self-proclaimed leaders do not have a legal consecration”.

The DECR chairman is convinced that "overcoming the deep crisis that gripped the Orthodox world is only possible by returning to the canonical church system and Orthodox conciliarity, which does not provide for the primacy of the power of any of the Primates over the Ecumenical Church, the Head of which was and remains our Lord Jesus Christ." 

As reported earlier, most Synodals of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus supported the position of the Primate on the OCU.

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