Media publishes a compromise decision on the OCU rejected by Cypriot Synod

Metropolitan Nikiforos of Kykkos (center) and Archbishop Chrysostomos (far right). Photo:

On November 25, 2020, during a meeting of the Holy Synod of the Church of Cyprus, Metropolitan Nikiforos of Kykkos proposed to make a compromise decision on the OCU issue. However, this offer was rejected. The Romfea publication cited the full text of the proposal of the Metropolitan of Kykkos.

According to this text, the Synod had to make a decision “in order to avoid disunity and division of the Apostolic Church of Cyprus (literally: “the island that gives birth to saints” – Ed.), follow the path not of akribeia, but the path of oikonomia, which, over the centuries, the great Fathers of our Church have followed, and which is the ultimate sacrament of love, pacification and reconciliation for the Orthodox Catholic Church."

The text says that "in view of the aforesaid, the Holy Synod, protecting the unity of our Orthodox Church, decided not to oppose the decision of our Most Beatitude Archdiocese to commemorate Epiphany as the ‘Metropolitan’ of Kyiv, but to prohibit concelebrating and entering into full Eucharistic communion with him."

At the same time, the document emphasizes that “the Holy Synod respects the position of its members in accordance with the unanimous decision of the Synod at its meeting on February 18, 2019.”

“The Holy Synod of the Church of Cyprus is awaiting pan-Orthodox consultations, where all the Primates of the Orthodox Churches, without any influence of external political forces and any involvement of geostrategic and geo-economic interests, will show their bishop's wisdom and will cooperate to overcome the current crisis, which threatens with a catastrophic schism in the world Orthodox Church of Christ,” says the text that was rejected by the Synod of the Cyprus Church.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the names of the synodals of the Cypriot Church who spoke for the OCU became known.

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