Met. Anthony: There’s powerlessness in the words of Phanar head about UOC

Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil and Brovary. Photo: a screenshot of the Youtube channel “1Kozak”

The head of the UOC, Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) of Boryspil and Brovary commented in the programme “Right to Faith” on the recent statement of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople that he “temporarily tolerates” the bishops of the UOC in Ukraine.

“It is difficult to comment on such statements because they go beyond common sense and the reality in which we live,” said Metropolitan Anthony. “We understand that Patriarch Bartholomew considers himself the Ecumenical Patriarch and has lived in this awareness for a long time, although the Ecumenical Patriarchate supposed, first of all, the existence of the Byzantine Empire, which hasn’t existed for a long time.”

He noted that such an approach beyond reality is first of all sadly reflected in relation to Patriarch Bartholomew himself since "the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is not a phantom, not a mirage, but real people."

“If he only ‘tolerates’ His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry and other hierarchs of the UOC, then the bishops do not exist by themselves, behind them is a multimillion flock that lives on their territory, in their homeland,” explained the UOC Chancellor. “And if he ‘tolerates’ them, then this statement is quite dangerous simply for the human mentality."

According to Metropolitan Anthony, there is no love in the words of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, but there is “irritation and even a certain powerlessness”.

“He (Patriarch Bartholomew – Ed.) understands that nothing comes out of the project that he conceived,” added the Metropolitan. “The creation of the so-called OCU only aggravated the situation in Ukraine in terms of schism and contradictions in the Orthodox consciousness of our people. And the "Ukrainian issue" has now become a stumbling block and discord between the Local Orthodox Churches. We all understand that His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry is the First Hierarch, an authoritative person among believers and Ukrainian society in general."

The UOC Chancellor noted, one can also assume in the statement of the Phanar head his “intentions or dreams that new times will come again, when it is possible, as he suggests, some other political forces may come, which will begin to destroy and fight with renewed zeal the Ukrainian Orthodox Church ”.

“But he who fights with the real Church fights with God, and to fight with God is always dangerous for the person himself. In the struggle with God, a person, and even a whole community, will always lose. In reality, you should not be afraid of these words, you must have faith and you must do everything that our faith suggests. Each of us, strengthening himself, strengthens his Church,” emphasized Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil and Brovary.

Earlier Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) commented on the situation in the Orthodox Church of Cyprus, developed after the sole decision of Archbishop Chrysostom on the OCU.

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