Court sentences man who killed his acquaintance for "supporting UOC"

The judge carrying out the sentence. Photo:

The Ivano-Frankivsk City Court sentenced a resident of the Carpathian region to 9 years in prison for the murder of a 66-year-old man because of a religious conflict, reports "Zahid. Net" with reference to the court decision.

According to the investigation, on the day of the murder, the men communicated on religious topics, in particular during the conversation the victim justified the activities of the UOC. After that, the man killed his acquaintance, giving him numerous blows on the body with a log, a board and a metal scoop.

In addition, during the pre-trial investigation, the man confessed to committing the murder. However, he later said that he did it under pressure from law enforcers.

As reported, the leader of S14, Yevhen Karas, called on radicals to attack UOC believers in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra in groups.

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