Greek hierarch: RCC is not the Church of Christ

Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus. Photo: romfea

On September 16, 2023, Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus of the Greek Orthodox Church stated that the Roman Catholic Church is not the Church of Christ.

During a sermon, the bishop recounted that when during the time of Emperor Constantine the "Church of Christ emerged from the catacombs into the light" and open persecutions by the authorities ceased for a time, "another insidious enemy appeared, this time from within the Church: cruel, bitter heresies, the distortion of church truth by church people".

According to him, "bishops, patriarchs, people of false faith," under the influence of the "wicked ruler of this world, the devil", introduced "falsehood, untruth, distortion" into Orthodoxy to "destroy the message of the Cross and the Resurrection".

"Heresies oppressed the Church; they crucified the Church. They shattered the truth of the Gospel in great lands. They managed to destroy the unity of the Pentarchy, which had been refining the morals of the people for a thousand years, and, unfortunately, they took over the ancient Patriarchate of the West – Rome," the hierarch said.

He stated that heretics "captured it and turned it into a feudal, autocratic, and oligarchic regime." Rome, according to him, "ceased to be the Church of Christ, the saving truth, and became a hegemony, feudalism, power."

As earlier reported, Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus believes that the Vatican is a heretical para-synagogue.

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