UGCC chaplain urges his parishioners to drive UOC believers out of temples

Mykola Medynsky. Photo:

During a sermon in the raided St. Nicholas Church in the village of Novoselki, Vyshhorod district, the UGCC chaplain Mykola Medynsky called on his parishioners to "cleanse" Ukraine from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

In the video, Mykola Medynsky, addressing the parishioners of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, stated that "we must cleanse and help cleanse those who are with us... from the presence of the spiritual occupier", referring to the UOC.

According to him, the canonical Church "has been shaping Russia's presence in the consciousness of the Ukrainian people for decades without stopping".
Calling the seizure of the Boris and Gleb Church in Vyshhorod "joyful news" and "the final cleansing from the spiritual occupier", Medynsky urged to do the same in other villages and districts of the region.

"We should try to support the people there (in Vyshhorod) and gradually join this work (seizing churches) because we must completely cleanse the town of Vyshhorod, the entire district, and every village – completely cleanse it," said Medynsky.

According to him, this should be done by his listeners because it is not very convenient for the authorities and the military to seize churches.

"Remember: neither the authorities nor the military can do it completely – it can only be done with the help of the people. Because when the authorities come, when the military comes, and there are several dozen old women who have been listening to the lies of the Moscow priest, how will you fight with them? How will it all look?" Medynsky asks.


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