Violations of UOC believers’ rights reported at UN Forum on Minority Issues

Head of the NGO "Public Advocacy" Oleg Denisov Photo: UOJ

The head of the human rights organization "Public Advocacy" Oleg Denisov reported at the UN Forum on Minority Issues how the rights of believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church are being violated.

According to the human rights defender, opponents of the UOC actively use the rhetoric of hatred and do not hesitate to promote violence by posting video evidence of their crimes on social networks. For example, as in the case of the destruction of property and the persecution of a priest in Zolochiv, Lviv region, reports the "Public Advocacy" website.

Denisov also criticized UN officials – he said that the organization's structures did not react enough to complaints and appeals from believers.

The forum was attended by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues Fernand de Varennes and other diplomats.

As reported earlier, the hierarch of the UOC in the OSCE called for a more active response to violations of the rights of believers.

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