UOC bishop urges Shmygal to prevent propaganda of LGBT ideology in Ukraine

Denis Shmygal. Photo: gazeta.ru

On November 20, the vicar of the Kyiv Metropolis of the UOC, Bishop Victor of Baryshevka, took part in a meeting of representatives of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations with the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmyhal, where he called on the leadership of the country's executive power to prevent the propaganda of the LGBT ideology.

The bishop noted that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church will not deviate from the Gospel teaching for the sake of sin, reports the UOC Synodal Information and Educational Department.

The bishop recalled that Christ commanded to love every sinner but to condemn the sin that he/she does and propagates, so the Church cannot stand silently on the sidelines.

“Therefore, we appeal to everyone to whom the Lord has entrusted the leadership of our country not to sell our ancestral national values and let the traditional Christian family become a support for the prosperity and strengthening of the welfaку of our Ukrainian independent state,” resumed the spokesperson for the UOC.

As reported, the vicar of the Kyiv Metropolis of the UOC, Bishop Victor, at a meeting with the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmyhal, noted the imbalance of quarantine measures in relation to believers.

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