Over 33,000 Hasidim come to Uman to celebrate Rosh Hashanah

Pilgrims from Israel to Uman. Photo: tsn.ua

As of the morning of September 15, more than 33 thousand pilgrims arrived in Uman to celebrate the Jewish New Year. The head of the Cherkasy RMA, Ihor Taburets, told Suspilne about this.

He noted that this year the average number of pilgrims from Israel who arrived in Uman for Rosh Hashanah remained the same as in previous years.

“The visits over the past years show the average number of 25-30 thousand pilgrims. <…> This year the Jewish New Year holiday will take place from September 15 to 17, and we prepared for this in advance,” he said.

In 2023, a “special regime” was introduced in Uman due to the arrival of Hasidim. During the days of the pilgrimage, the authorities in Uman established control over movement around the city, introduced a special regime for entry and exit, and banned the sale of alcohol, fireworks and other explosives that create a noise effect in the Jewish district of the city.

As the UOJ reported, the State Ethnic Policy Committee promised to ensure the “proper” pilgrimage of Hasidim to Uman.

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