Metropolitan Longin of Bancheny сase referred to court

Metropolitan Longin. Photo:

On September 11, 2023, Metropolitan Longin of Bancheny said that the investigation into his case was over and he received charges. The bishop's video message was published on the Bancheny Monastery channel.

"Today is a great joy when you taste these bitter trials... If there is imprisonment, it doesn't matter to me because the most important thing is that we suffer for our faith," Metropolitan Longin said.

"Today is a joyful day for me! It is such a significant holiday (the Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner of the Lord, John the Baptist – Ed.) for our Church, for us Orthodox believers. And I would like to share the joy with you – the investigation is over today," the bishop said.

He mentioned that he received charges, and his case had already been sent to court for further trial.

"I say – it's a joy when you taste something from these bitter trials or prison – whatever happens, I don't care. The most important thing is that we suffer for our faith! For our Ukrainian Orthodox Church," the hierarch emphasized.

Metropolitan Longin asked "the Lord God to have mercy on all those persecutors who today raised their hand against the Church of God and against the Church's servants. I am ashamed that it turns out this way – they are judging us without reason."

Metropolitan Longin also said that he is unaware of the arguments of the accusation: "Today I asked everyone, both the prosecutor and the investigator – please tell me what you are accusing me of? Show me, where am I guilty? What have I done?"

He stressed that he wanted to serve his Church and his God, and according to the Constitution, no one in Ukraine should dictate which Church to go to.

"My ancestors used to go to this Church, they found salvation in this Church, I was baptized in this Church, and I ask God to allow me to die in this Faith and purity of the Orthodox Faith, our canonical Church – the Ukrainian Orthodox Church under the leadership of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry," the bishop said.

He urged all believers in Ukraine to "remain faithful to the Lord God" despite persecution and imprisonment: "Whatever they do to us! Whatever persecutions there may be! Let them imprison us, let them do what they want – it's a shame, and you are simply disgracing our homeland, our Ukraine!"

Metropolitan Longin emphasized that "nowhere in the world today, in any state, are there such persecutions against believers, against the Church of God, against its people!"

"We, Ukrainians, were born here, we live here! I want to tell you – we suffer for our Church, for our Faith in God! We are worthy to suffer, despite being sinful people. But the Lord is kind; He sees everything," the hierarch said.

He also mentioned that he "felt unwell after a stroke, has not fully recovered yet," and that he is "grateful to the doctors who helped me – they brought me to this."

"I don't hold grudges against anyone! Today, I managed to forget everything, every offence during the investigation! Sometimes it's tough. But today, I forgot everything; I embraced my investigator, prosecutor, I told them: nothing will happen to you, don't fear, you are doing what you were assigned to do, I love you, I bless you, and may the Lord God always protect you!" the bishop said.

He called on believers to have faith and hope, noting that the UOC parishioners are "the strongest because they remain in Christ, not in deceit and the false church."

"Our holy fathers prepared us for these times... But I feel sorry for those who don't know what they are doing! When they close the Church, when they take away our shrine, when they ridicule old bishops – try and imprison them – I think it's a great shame for Ukraine. And I don't understand why everyone talks about freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the separation of Church and state, and yet, as you can see, no one is defending us?" the bishop wondered.

However, he is confident that believers are protected by the Lord God: "I believe that God will show His truth!"

"Pray for me so that I can go through all the trials. I don't know how it will be for health reasons... They are taking away a lot of my time, which I should devote to children, in which I have to do something, preparing for winter... Instead, I’ll have to go through the courts! But if the Lord has put this Cross on me, it means the Lord loves me! And the Lord loves you too! And we must love our persecutors!" the metropolitan believes.

He asked God to reason with all those who have risen against the Church and thanked those who brought him the charges: "I sincerely say – I have no grudge against anyone! They are simply helping us to think more about God, about salvation, about Eternity, rather than about this fleeting earthly life!"

The bishop also lamented that in Ukraine, there is no one who is concerned about human rights and prevents violations of the Constitution. In his opinion, this situation could set a precedent for the entire world: "We see today how poorly they treat our Church and our Faith."

"And we continue to remain faithful to the Lord God, firstly because I have nothing greater than God! Neither in this life nor in the next life! I bow my head before the Lord, I ask His mercy for the entire Ukrainian people! I remain faithful to my Church - the canonical UOC! I remain faithful to dear to my heart and soul, His Beatitude Onuphry! And I remain faithful to my Homeland, my Ukraine," the hierarch declared.

"I love my country, and I will always live here... I do not preach for those people who today consider themselves somehow affected by my sermons and have taken me to court because of it... These sermons are for the believing people, and to those who do not like my sermons – please, do not listen to them," the bishop said.

Metropolitan Longin added that he "loves the Church" and will remain "faithful to Her forever".

"I ask everyone – do not give in! What they want to do will not succeed! The people will follow the path where there is grace, where they feel God, the Love of God!" the bishop reminded the believers.

He noted that "today there is hatred, and they cannot tolerate us, and every day they scold us, insult us, and we remain silent, and we haven’t taken anyone to court! We ask God for forgiveness for all people!"

As reported, Metropolitan Longin was handed a second suspicion.

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