Cypriot bishop: The war in Ukraine could be the start of a third world war

Metropolitan Nikiforos of Kykkos. Photo:

Metropolitan Nikiforos of the Cyprus Orthodox Church believes that the war in Ukraine could develop into a third world war.

In a sermon on the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (September 8, new style), Metropolitan Nikiforos said that today is “a critical moment in history, as new geopolitical, geostrategic and geoeconomic interests are changing the face of the world and threatening global nuclear war.”

“The mushroom cloud of a nuclear explosion is a dreadful prospect that could become a reality at any moment,” the bishop said.

According to him, “the ongoing war in Ukraine may well become a harbinger or, even worse, the threshold of a big, final, third world war, this time nuclear.”

He recalled the words of Einstein, who said that “if there is a third world war, the fourth will be fought with clubs.”

“By saying this, Einstein had in mind the bomb in Hiroshima, which left the possibility of survival. However, today's nuclear weapons exclude this possibility. If another world war is to occur, this time it will be a nuclear holocaust, life will be destroyed, we will end up having the complete destruction of the world,” Metropolitan Nikiforos emphasized.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that according to Metropolitan Nikiforos of Kykkos, the peoples of the earth need to unite and stop the war in Ukraine.

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