Lawyer: Lavra monks file complaints against court's unlawful rulings

Father Nikita Chekman. Photo: UOJ

The lawyer of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, Fr Nikita Chekman, said that the monks have joined the complaints against the court's unlawful decision to close access to the monastery's territory.

In a comment to a UOJ journalist, the priest explained that people gathered for prayer outside the walls of the Kyiv-Pechersk Monastery because access to the Lavra had been unlawfully restricted by the instructions of the Reserve.

"All appellate complaints against the illegal decisions of the Economic Court of Kyiv have already been filed in the interests of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, and in addition, the monks and nuns of the monastery have joined in filing these complaints," the lawyer stated.

He expressed hope that "the court of the highest instance will give an appropriate assessment of the unlawful actions of judges who made decisions with gross violations of the requirements of the legislation".

"They made decisions without taking into account the position of the monks and without hearing them," the priest said, emphasizing that the monks "have the right to be one of the parties to the case".

"We hope that the Lord will show them the right path, and they will consider this case in accordance with the requirements of existing Ukrainian legislation," said the lawyer of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

As reported, Archbishop Pimen of Rivne expressed confidence that the gates of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra will definitely open again.


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