Dumenko calls Archbishop Chrysostomos "a model of resilience"

Archbishop Chrysostomos and Patriarch Kirill. 2017 year. Photo: mospat.ru

On November 13, 2020, the head of the OCU Epiphany Dumenko congratulated the Primate of the Cypriot Orthodox Church, Archbishop Chrysostomos, on the namesake day, calling him "a model of resilience". Dumenko wrote about this on his Facebook page.

Dumenko stressed that he considers Archbishop Chrysostomos "beloved in the Lord brother and co-minister", and congratulated him on the namesake day, the 48th anniversary of the presbyter's ordination and the 14th anniversary of enthronement on behalf of himself and "from the entire Holy Orthodox Church of Ukraine".

According to Epiphany, Archbishop Chrysostomos is "a true model of faith and resilience, like St. John Chrysostomos".

Dumenko believes that "faith in the Lord" of Archbishop Chrysostomos, "is truly alive and active, as evidenced by the deeds for the good of the entire world Orthodoxy in general and the Cypriot Orthodox Church and the people of Cyprus in particular".

He once again with “joy” recalled his “personal communication” with Archbishop Chrysostomos and asked him to pray for his “humility” and for “all the believing Ukrainian people”.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that in the opinion of Archbishop Chrysostomos, taking a clear position in favour of the Phanar or the ROC regarding the Ukrainian Tomos would lead to a split of the Church "with mathematical precision".

He stated that the Church of Cyprus would adhere to neutrality in relation to Ukraine and that this is the only way to solve the problem of the OCU and later assured that he would not change his position.

In addition, in a letter addressed to Patriarch Kirill, Archbishop Chrysostomos wrote that “The Church of Cyprus will never abandon its position, which we have stated to you many times, that is that with all his might it will support the position of the Russian Orthodox Church on the issue of the so-called autocephaly in Ukraine".

However, on October 24, 2020, the Primate of the Cypriot Orthodox Church, Archbishop Chrysostomos, commemorated the name of Epiphany Dumenko during the liturgy.

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