His Beatitude Onuphry: The Church enters an apocalyptic era

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry. Photo: news.church.ua

The Primate of the UOC, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv and All Ukraine, believes that the Church has entered an apocalyptic era. His Beatitude Metropolitan spoke about this in an interview with Shepherd and Flock magazine.

Commenting on the introduction of electronic passports, gradual replacement of cash, the emergence of digital identifiers, as well as the possible complete control of the state over a person, Metropolitan Onuphry noted that “changes in the life of humanity in recent times indicate that we are entering a new historical era, which is called apocalyptic in the ecclesiastic language."

“This is stated in the New Testament, especially in the book of Revelation of John the Theologian. This epoch ushers in new challenges and trials to people, but whoever tries to live with God will be under the special protection that will strengthen a person to endure all difficulties with dignity,” the Primate of the UOC emphasized.

At the same time, answering the question of how all this will affect the spiritual life of believers, Metropolitan Onuphry said that “where God is, there is bliss, and whoever tries to cleave to God will be blessed even in the most severe tribulations. The most powerful spiritual weapon for a person in the imminent trials is prayer and humility. Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

At the same time, says His Beatitude Vladyka, in the future "the Church will become weaker in the number of believers, and the Church will become stronger in the quality of the spiritual life of believers."

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the Primate of the UOC told when the communion between Phanar and the ROC would be restored.

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