Police call for interrogation participants of anti-UOC "veche" in Zolochiv

Zolochiv "veche" at the house of the priest of the UOC, Fr Maxim Yoenko. A photo: for-ua.com

The Zolochiv police department summons for questioning the participants of the "veche" against the UOC in the framework of a criminal case on inciting religious hatred, reports Dyvys.info.

The summons for interrogation has already been received by the deputy of the Regional Сouncil Myroslava Babinska. This activist called for expelling the UOC from Zolochiv, proposing “to give the owner of the house 24 hours from the moment of the announcement of the decision of the Town Council in order to dismantle and take out the trailer where the services are performed”.

The mayor of Zolochiv, Igor Grynkiv, who brought a sledgehammer to the veche, was summoned by law enforcement officers to appear at the police station on November 26.

Grynkiv said that other activists who took part in the "veche" would also be summoned for questioning. He noted that he was aware of the summons of the local journalist Lesia Horgota and the deputy head of the Zolochiv Regional Administration Viktor Oliynyk.

As reported, the persecution of believers and the priest of the UOC, Fr Maxim Yoenko, in Zolochiv began in July 2020. Representatives of the UGCC and local authorities accused Fr Maxim of illegally building a church on his private territory. The gate of the cleric of the Lviv Eparchy of the UOC was painted with insults and Nazi symbols, an anti-UOC “veche” was held near his house, and the priest himself and his family were offered to leave the town.

On August 6, the militants of the Lviv National Corps destroyed the fence around the priest's house with hammers, and a week later, unknown assailants attacked a children's store in Zolochiv, owned by a UOC parishioner.


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