OP spokesman on the Pope’s words: We have to ask ourselves – what is RCC?

The OP wonders what the Catholic Church is. Photo: vaticannews

The spokesperson of the Presidential Office, Mykhailo Podolyak, in an interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, stated that after the Pope's words praising the Russian Empire, one should wonder – what is the Catholic Church?

"If we assess the Pope's phrases impartially, we will see that they are unequivocal encouragement of aggressive imperialism, applause for the bloody idea of the 'Russian world,' which implies the cruel destruction of the freedom and way of life of other people. Francis encourages Putin's misanthropic ideology, his inclination towards genocide," Podolyak said.

According to him, "we have to ask ourselves what the Catholic Church is, what Christianity is, what the blood-soaked Ukraine of innocent victims is."

Podolyak believes that the Pope "once again became a tool of Russian propaganda." "It is precisely by relying on the triad of Peter-Catherine-Stalin that the Russian army comes to kill Ukrainians. The Pope glorifies them, and Putin uses them to destroy our identity," Podolyak concluded.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Zelensky invited the pope to come to any city in Ukraine.

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