Official to govt: Either you stop processionists or we will do it ourselves

Headman of Buhliv, Ternopil region, Dmytro Kharchuk and Epifaniy Dumenko. Photo: Kharchuk's Facebook page

Dmytro Kharchuk, headman of Buhliv village, Ternopil region, said that the patriots of the Right Sector and other radical organizations would stop the UOC processionists with their own hands if the local authorities did not. The corresponding letter on behalf of the parishioners of the OCU, volunteers and soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was published by Kharchuk in his Telegram channel.

The official noted that if the authorities did not stop the UOC believers, there would be clashes and bloodshed.

He also believes that veterans and invalids of the war "will not tolerate" a religious procession of the UOC in the region and called on the authorities to take appropriate measures.

“Otherwise, we reserve the Constitutional right and we ourselves will halt this horde! Right Sector, VO Trident, veterans who are on vacation or recovering from injuries, and all those who are not indifferent – please keep track of this event and, in which case, be ready to take to the streets of your native land!" he added.

As the UOJ reported, the religious procession to Pochaiv entered the Ternopil region.

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