U.S. Orthodox bishops object to ordination of Phanar cleric to Episcopacy

Archbishop Elpidophoros and Alexander Belya. Photo: slavonic.org

On August 11, 2023, the top hierarchs of the Local Orthodox Churches in the United States opposed the episcopal ordination of the cleric of the Patriarchate of Constantinople Alexander Belya.

In a letter addressed to the head of the Phanar Archdiocese in the United States, Archbishop Elpidophoros, signed by Metropolitan Saba (Church of Antioch), Bishop Longin (Serbian Church), Metropolitan Nicolae (Romanian Church) and Metropolitan Tikhon (Orthodox Church in America), the bishops said they had received the news regarding the forthcoming ordination of Alexander Belya to the Holy Episcopacy "with sorrow and disappointment”.

The hierarchs recalled that earlier in several letters they had already requested Archbishop Elpidophoros to refrain from the episcopal consecration of Belya.

“Therefore, we come to you at the eleventh hour, praying that for the sake of Orthodox unity in America, you will not proceed with this ordination,” the bishops write.

The hierarchs asked the head of the Phanar Archdiocese in the United States "to propose to the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople that it reverse its decision to elevate this individual to the Episcopacy, whose conduct and canonical status have caused, and will continue to cause, so much division among the Orthodox Christians of the United States."

In 2018, the ROCOR Synod elected Archimandrite Alexander (Belya) Bishop of Miami; in 2019 this decision was approved by the ROCOR Synod. Later, information appeared that the election was not final, and Archimandrite Alexander Belya presented a fake document on his election to the ROC.

In September 2019, Fr. Alexander transferred to the clergy of the American Archdiocese of Phanar, presenting a leave letter from Metropolitan Hilarion. The very next day, the ROCOR First Hierarch banned him from the priesthood.

The ROCOR Synod abolished his election to the Episcopacy, and in February 2020 decided to defrock him. The Phanar considered the deprivation of the holy dignity “unfounded”, and on June 15, 2020, Archim. Alexander was elected Bishop of Nikopol.

A number of senior hierarchs from various US jurisdictions sent several letters to Archbishop Elpidophoros, protesting against the ordination of Belya, as they recognize his defrocking as canonical.

If the ordination still takes place, the hierarchs of the Local Orthodox Churches in the United States threaten to withdraw from the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of America.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the US hierarchs are demanding that the Phanar abolish the ordination of the banned ROCOR cleric.

In addition, the Synod of the Albanian Church expressed bewilderment about the future consecration to the Episcopacy of a person known for schismatic actions. Later on, the Phanar ordained the bishop, who was called a schismatic by the Church of Albania.

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