Cherkasy bishop awards rector of raided church

Metropolitan Theodosy awards Archpriest Yevhen Burkatsky. Photo:

On August 23, 2023, Metropolitan Theodosy of Cherkasy and Kaniv awarded the rector of the Sretensky church seized by supporters of the OCU in the regional centre. Archpriest Yevhen Burkatsky with an insignia "For Faithfulness to the Church and Courage", reports the press service of the Cherkasy Eparchy of the UOC.

The presentation of the award took place in the residence of the bishop, where he is under house arrest. The priest visited the bishop together with his wife and seven children.

"After warm communication with the family of the priest-confessor Metropolitan Theodosy gave Archpriest Eugene and his family the highest award of the Cherkasy Eparchy – the insignia "For Faithfulness to the Church and Courage", which is awarded to faithful priests, monks and laymen who have shown firmness and courage in defending the Holy Christ Church from the encroachments of persecutors," notes the press service.

The bishop also presented gifts to members of Fr Yevhen’s family.

As reported, on 3 August 2023, OCU activists supported by law enforcers stormed the Sretensky Church in Cherkasy and expelled the church rector and his family from the parish house.

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