Metropolitan Clement: His Beatitude is banned from entering Kyiv Caves Lavra

Metropolitan Clement. Photo:

Metropolitan Clement, Chairman of the Synodal Information and Education Department of the UOC, spoke about the access system in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. This is reported by the Strana publication.

He said that the Ministry of Culture, represented by the National Reserve, has drawn up lists of people who can be admitted to the territory of the Lavra. These lists included only clergy with the rank of monks. The seminarians and other novices of the monastery were not included there. The directorate of the reserve announced to these people that if they leave the territory of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, they will not be allowed back.

“Also, access to the territory of the Lavra is prohibited for the Primate of the UOC, Metropolitan Onuphry, and Chancellor of the UOC, Metropolitan Anthony,” said Metropolitan Clement.

The hierarch of the UOC said that law enforcement officers blocked several warehouses where food was stored.

“There are cellars on the territory of the Lavra where food is stored. A few days ago, law enforcement officers cordoned off these premises and now we have no access to these warehouses,” he said.

Metropolitan Clement stressed that despite the fact that the directorate of the reserve insists that it has broken all agreements with the UOC, all utility bills continue to be paid by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

As the UOJ reported, earlier Metropolitan Clement noted that attempts to evict monks from the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra have no legal grounds.

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