Media report who is behind organization of attack on UOC processionists

Opponents of the UOC who called for the beating of the processionists. Photo:

Orthodox journalists of the “Patrol on the First Cossack” told who is behind the organization of the attack on the UOC pilgrims going on a religious procession to the Pochaiv Lavra. In their Telegram channel, they reported that there are "Satanists and witches" among the young people who called for the beating of elderly parishioners of the UOC. 

According to media reports, the main organizer of calls for violence against believers is Ulyana Burak, the daughter of UGCC chaplain Petro Burak and secretary of the local Komsomol Liubov Burak.

Journalists noted that Ulyana Burak is the organizer of anti-church pickets near Orthodox churches in Ternopil, in particular, the Cathedral of St. Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov in April 2023.

Among the thugs who called for "beating old people until they're blue in the face", journalists caught two more "titushki" – Dmytro Toronchuk and Oleksandr Kuznetsov.

“He (Toronchuk – Ed.) is a young athlete, he loves violence and, according to certain sources, Adolf Hitler. <...> According to the locals, his (Kuznetsov’s – Ed.) desire to attack peaceful believers is equal to his unwillingness to be at the front,” the journalists added.

In addition, among the “activists”- opponents of the UOC, there was spotted a girl with the nickname “Ukro-Satanist”, who used the pseudonym “devil” before she got involved in anti-church protests.

As the UOJ reported, there are over 3,000 pilgrims in the Kamyanets-Pochaiv cross procession.

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