Ukrainian authorities may not allow Hasidic Jews into Uman

Hasidim in Uman. Year 2022. Photo:

Ukrainian authorities have warned the Israeli government that Hasidic Jews may not be allowed entry into the country if the deportation of Ukrainians from Israel does not stop, reads a statement on the official Facebook page of the Ukrainian Embassy.

Israeli pilgrims will not be permitted to come to Uman for the Jewish New Year, and the Ukrainian government will cancel the visa-free regime with Israel if the deportation of Ukrainians from that country continues.

Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel, Yevhen Korniychuk, commented on President Volodymyr Zelensky's remarks regarding visa issues for Ukrainians and stated that the head of state was referring to Israel.

"The Ukrainian government will not tolerate the humiliation of its citizens upon entry into Israel. We will terminate the visa-free agreement. This option is on our government's table," Korniychuk said.

He added that at a time when "we will have to put in all efforts to host tens of thousands of Israelis in Uman, with a high security risk and tremendous logistical efforts, on the other hand, the Israeli government offends our citizens arriving in Israel."

The Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel considered such actions by the Israeli side as "unthinkable" and called on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to personally get involved in the issue solution: "If Israel wants its citizens to be able to come to Ukraine as tourists, including to Uman, I believe that Prime Minister Netanyahu should personally intervene in finding a solution to the current situation."

It's worth noting that according to media reports, many Ukrainians arriving in Israel are sent back to Ukraine.

As earlier reported, Yelenky promised to ensure a "proper" pilgrimage for Hasidic Jews in Uman.


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