UOC clerics express condolences over Chernihiv tragedy

Chernihiv. 19.08.2023. Photo: censor.net

On 19 August 2023, Metropolitan Clement of Nizhyn and Pryluki, Metropolitan Ambrose of Chernihiv and Novhorod-Siverskyi, Bishop Nikodim of Liubech, the vicar of the Chernihiv Eparchy, and Bishop Theodosy of Ladan, vicar of the Nizhyn Eparchy, expressed their condolences over the tragedy in Chernihiv.

The address published by the press service of Nizhyn Eparchy reads that "today, on the day of the great twelfth feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, our spiritual joy has been overshadowed by pain and sorrow. Once again we have witnessed the killing of the peaceful population of our long-suffering Ukraine by Russian missiles."

"Again, Chernihiv land was sprinkled with innocent children's blood and the tears of ordinary civilians. Hundreds of ordinary citizens have been wounded and mutilated by enemy weapons," the hierarchs wrote.

The hierarchs of the UOC consider the missile strike on Chernihiv "a sacrilegious violation of God's commandment "Thou shalt not kill!" on the day and at the time when innocent ordinary citizens of the ancient city were hurrying to the holy temples for the service of God."

According to them, this crime "has no justification before the court of Christian conscience".

"Now we, the bishops and clergy of Chernihiv region, sharing the grief and suffering of all the inhabitants of our ancient region, who lost loved ones or suffered severe injuries as a result of the Russian shelling, offer prayers to the Creator, so that with His uncreated eternal light, He may brighten all those who are in sorrow at this time, send them comfort, heal the wounded, and accept into His Heavenly abode the souls of the innocent civilians who were killed," wrote the UOC hierarchs.

They called for "increased prayer and spiritual and humanitarian support for the affected Orthodox believers and all residents of Chernihiv region" and expressed confidence that "the Lord will wipe every tear from the eyes of his people and there will be no more death, no more suffering, no more weeping, no more pain (Rev. 22, 4)".

As earlier reported, the UOC cathedral in Odesa was destroyed by a missile strike.

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