OCU rep: The main thing is the truth, not the number of people in temples

Festive "service" of the OCU on the Transfiguration feast day in the Refectory Church of the Lavra. Photo: UOJ

OCU spokesperson, Eustratiy Zoria reacted on Telegram to "another wave of MP-hype on the net", apparently referring to the publication of photos and videos of the empty Refectory Church, where "acting abbot of the OCU Lavra" Avraamiy Lotysh held a festive all-night vigil on the eve of the Transfiguration.

Zoria said that the desire for "masses" is one of the signs of the "Russian world", and his "Ukrainian Church" is devoid of such a flaw.

"When Christ was crucified, the crowd shouted 'Crucify'. When Christ was resurrected – only a few people were witnesses," Zoria said, drawing parallels with Lotysh's "service" at the empty Refectory Church.

"I remember in what poverty, in small houses communities of the Ukrainian Church gathered for services three decades ago. On tables under the closed doors of the temples, they prayed. And the MP looked down from the height of its "masses". But from a small flock, God raised a big Church. Instead, the MP continues to think in the categories of the masses and cannot get used to the fact that the main thing is the truth, not quantity. If there is the truth, sooner or later it will gather people," Zoria assured.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote how Bila Tserkva clerics, Zoria’s associates, broke down the doors of the Transfiguration Cathedral of the UOC with sledgehammers, crowbars, a grinder and a chainsaw.

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