Novinsky: The seizure of Lavra is carried out in the Phanar’s interests

Protodeacon of the UOC Vadim Novinsky. Photo:

Former MP and protodeacon of the UOC, Vadim Novinsky, declared that Patriarch Bartholomew bears full responsibility for the seizure of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and the persecutions against canonical Orthodoxy in Ukraine. He wrote about this on his Facebook page on the occasion of the anniversary of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry’s enthronement.

According to him, the monastery's seizure is not about "spiritual independence" but the Phanar's desire to acquire a number of ancient temple complexes in Ukraine under its jurisdiction.

Novinsky noted that the persecutions of the UOC by the authorities constitute a political act and are carried out in violation of the Constitution of Ukraine.

"It is they (Phanar - Ed.) who provoke actions that lead to turmoil and division. Persecutions of the UOC clergy are not about strengthening national security but an attempt to destroy Orthodoxy, intimidate priests and the laity. This is not about building 'spiritual independence' but about building independence from Christ in order to worship earthly rulers and satisfy earthly passions," he said.

The former MP regretfully stated that it was during a cruel war and massive external aggression that a massive campaign against the UOC was launched.

He noted that the arrests of UOC hierarchs on fabricated charges led to strokes and heart attacks in some bishops.

"The abuses by the authorities led Bishop Pavel to a hospital room with a heart attack. [...] The persecutions led to a stroke for Metropolitan Longin of Bancheny, known for his charitable and educational activities. Bishop Longin adopted hundreds of children, becoming a second father to them and caring for them as his own," he added.

"I have no doubt that thanks to the position of our Primate and, most importantly, thanks to his prayers, we will go through all the trials and persecutions that are allowed for us. The Church of God will not only withstand them but also get strengthened. Ukraine will not only endure but also revive," wrote the protodeacon.

As previously reported, a political analyst stated that the actions of the authorities in the Lavra harm the country both within society and Ukraine's international image.

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