SBU: Kokhanovska faces prison

Human rights defender Victoria Kokhanovska. Photo:

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has announced a new suspicion against the Orthodox human rights defender Victoria Kokhanovska. The investigation suspects her of "denying Russian aggression against Ukraine", and the SBU has already stated that Kokhanovska faces imprisonment with property confiscation, reports SBU press service.

They noted that Kokhanovska allegedly "denied the facts of Russian armed aggression and referred to the war as an internal civil conflict".

Moreover, according to the investigation's version, on her social media, Kochanovska supposedly "posted predictions about the inevitability of capturing the entire territory of our state and attempted to discredit Ukrainian defenders".

The SBU also noted that the materials published by the human rights activist on social media were picked up by Russian television channels and internet resources, presenting "distorted information as the position of ordinary citizens of Ukraine".

"The issue of additional qualification of the suspect's criminal actions and the selection of preventive measures for her is being resolved," the message reads.

The sanction of the article (Article 436, Part 2 – Ed.), under which Kokhanovska is suspected, provides for imprisonment for up to five years or restriction of freedom for up to five years.

As previously reported, Kokhanovska was searched due to "justifying Russian aggression".

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