French politician: Islamist ideology poses a threat

Marine Le Pen. Photo:

On October 29, 2020, the head of the French politician Marine Le Pen said that Islamist ideology poses a threat to the country, reports

The head of the ultra-right National Union Marine Le Pen, in connection with the murder of three people in one of the Catholic churches of Nice, called on the authorities to "protect the French" and close "all radical organizations" of an Islamist nature.

In her opinion, Islamist ideology “poses a threat to us (...). Nothing has been done in this regard for years."

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that a terrorist beheaded a woman at the Notre Dame Basilica in Nice.

The situation in France has escalated since the brutal murder by a Muslim of a 47-year-old college teacher who showed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in class. On Sunday, October 18, tens of thousands of people in different cities of the country rallied in memory of the murdered teacher and in defence of freedom of speech. Later, in Paris, two women, screaming "dirty Arabs", attacked a Muslim family with a knife.

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