Lavra monk to authorities: Line everyone up against the wall and shoot them

In the Lavra, the authorities are evicting monks from their cells. Photo: Telegram channel "Pramikha"

On August 15, 2023, during the police raid on building 57 of the Lavra, the monk of the monastery, Archimandrite Arefa, shouted through the window to the raiders that the authorities had already evicted him from his cell in another building earlier, and now he has nowhere to go. The video was published by the Telegram channel "Pramikha".

"I won't leave anywhere, I'm registered here," the monk exclaims. "I've been living in the Lavra for 22 years. They kicked me out of one cell in building 34 2 months ago and resettled me here. Now they're kicking me out of here. Where else should I move to? Just line everyone up against the wall and shoot them all. What's the delay? I won't leave, let them break down the doors."

As reported, in the Lavra, the authorities broke down the doors to building 57.

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