Myriany calls to defend Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

Believers in front of the entrance to the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. Photo: Myriany

On August 14, 2023, the Myriany civic movement called on the believers of the UOC to defend the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. The appeal was posted on the Myriany telegram channel.

The text highlights that "the whole world saw the shame of the Lavra trial, which on August 10 issued an unlawful, absurd, unmotivated decision on an obvious political order."

The Myriany declared that they did not accept this illegal decision.

“This fake sentence has not yet entered into effect! Appeal is ahead. However, our monastery is still being devastated and sealed. Our monks, registered in the Lavra, are going to be evicted! This is an offense and we say that we do not accept this iniquity!” the text says.

“The so-called ‘reserve’ became is so insolent to have blocked our brothers and sisters in the buildings of the Lavra. Our monks and pilgrims-protectors. Moreover, it does not allow water and food to be delivered to them. This is a direct torture of hunger and thirst for the citizens of Ukraine from the side of the structure operating illegally on the territory of the Lavra. They pose a threat to the life and health of Ukrainians, our brothers and sisters. It is a crime. We say NO to torture of our brothers and sisters!” wrote the social movement.

The statement says that in the coming days, the believers of the UOC should support the Primate and the brethren of the Lavra and “with a single voice pray to the Lord, to all the martyrs for the faith and the Monks of the Caves, to help us defend our shrine! To protect our new martyrs for the faith."

“Lavra is our heart. We won’t let it be torn out,” concluded the representatives of the laity.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the court approved the decision to expel the monks from the Lavra.

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