Zelensky tells what he talked about with Phanar Metropolitan

Meeting of Zelensky with Metropolitan Emmanuel. Photo: Zelensky's website

On August 10, 2023, Volodymyr Zelensky, in his video message, spoke about the meeting with Metropolitan Emmanuel of Chalcedon.

According to the President, he discussed with the Phanar hierarch the “peace formula” and the possibility of returning deported children to Ukraine.

“Of course, as always, we spoke about strengthening the spiritual independence of Ukraine and about the spiritual peace in Ukraine,” Zelensky said. “Our country is one of the historical centers of Christianity, and it will continue to be so.”

He assured that “Ukrainians were able to build a special format of religious relations in their home”, where “all communities are respected, all communities can convey their opinion to the state, all communities can participate in solving socially important issues.”

At the same time, the President warned that "the state will never allow any of the Ukrainian religious communities to be used by an aggressor state."

“Ukraine will survive, preserve independence, all aspects of independence, including spiritual,” Zelensky assured.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Zelensky met with Phanar Metropolitan Emmanuel.

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