Zelensky: The Pope can come to any city in Ukraine

Pope Francis and Zelensky. Photo: VATICAN MEDIA

The Pope can visit any city in Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky said in an interview with the Argentine edition of Nacion. The President also expressed hope that Pope Francis would be able to discuss with him the issue of supporting the Ukrainian “peace formula”.

Zelensky said that there are many Catholics in Ukraine who are grateful to the pope for his prayers. According to him, "these are important signs not only for Catholics, but also for atheists, because Pope Francis is an important person."

“We invited the Pope to Ukraine. I would like him to be able to come to any city, not necessarily the capital, where he can also come, because in other cities there are other relevant issues that need to be addressed,” the President of Ukraine said. According to him, such a visit “is always an important signal in terms of support for the Ukrainian society.”

Zelensky said he appreciates the Vatican's efforts to bring peace initiatives to Ukraine, in particular the work of negotiator Cardinal Zuppi. The authorities also hope, with the help of the pope, to return Ukrainian children and prisoners taken to the Russian Federation.

“As for the return of children and POWs, the Pope told me that he would continue to do everything for this end. If he manages to help us get the children back, that will be enough. If he can come to Ukraine, even better, but if we had to choose, we would choose the return of the deported children,” Zelensky said.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Zelensky gifted the pope with an “icon” depicting a void instead of the Infant Jesus.

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