Bishop of Cherkassy: Population decline in Ukraine is a hushed-up problem

Archbishop Theodosy attending the charity concert "Save the Family - Save the Nation". Photo: screenshot/ TV channel

It is not customary to talk often about the demographic problem that exists in our society. Archbishop Theodosy (Snigirev) of Cherkassy and Kanev said this after a concert that took place in Cherkassy as part of the All-Ukrainian educational marathon "Save the Family - Save the Nation".

As the hierarch noted, the concert brought along not only consolation and joy but also great benefit.

“The words that Father Alexander spoke between his songs reach the depths of our hearts and minds. It is particularly topical about family values and the demographic problem that exists in our society, which it is not customary to talk about often,” stressed the ruling bishop of the Cherkassy Diocese of the UOC on the air of Zoriany TV channel.

According to Archpriest Alexander Klimenko, who is the co-organizer of the pro-family marathon, “we have done quite an interesting job, because these four cities revealed how much our church and sometimes non-church community needs such inclusions of attention from the Church, especially during these quarantine days.”

“Today we have attracted almost 2 thousand people, although now it is very difficult to organize such events in compliance with all sanitary standards,” the priest said, expressing special gratitude to the Brotherhood of St. Prince Vladimir for organizing the marathon.

As reported by the UOJ, the Brotherhood of Prince Vladimir, together with Archpriest Alexander Klimenko, organized a marathon in the cities of Ukraine "Save the Family - Save the Nation". As part of the marathon, the priest holds concerts and meetings with believers, focusing on family values. 

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