Glossary of undesirable vocabulary offending believers and LGBT to be made for media

The head of the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting Olha Herasymiuk. Photo:

The head of the National Council on Television and Radio, Olha Herasymiuk, said that Ukraine is preparing a dictionary of discriminatory vocabulary that offends the feelings of believers and "sensitive" communities: LGBT, disabled people, veterans, and others. She made this statement in an interview with "Interfax-Ukraine".

According to her, the use of vocabulary that will be included in the dictionary will be prohibited in the media.

Herasymiuk also noted that the creation of a new policy in the information space is being done with the participation of representatives of Roma, Jewish, Crimean Tatar, and Muslim communities, as well as the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations.

"The result of these meetings should be a developed dictionary of 'undesirable' vocabulary and criteria for information that is unacceptable, as well as joint educational work for the media," she said.

As reported, the National Council stated that they see discrimination against LGBT in the media, but not against the UOC.


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