UOC hierarch: "Bans" on UOC by local authorities are initiated by Kyiv

Metropolitan Theodosy. Photo: website of the Cherkasy Eparchy

The initiatives to “ban” the UOC by the city, regional and district councils were sent to local deputies from Kyiv,” said Metropolitan Theodosy of Cherkasy in a video message posted on the YouTube channel of the diocese.

“They are given from Kyiv,” says the bishop. “Someone resisted, someone made the decision without resistance.”

According to him, deputies came to the representatives of the UOC and asked them not to worry, saying that these decisions have no legal force.

“We are under pressure,” they said. We will vote like that, don’t be offended by us,” Metropolitan Theodosy conveyed the words of the deputies.

According to the hierarch, this was done to shape public opinion.

“We already understood and knew why this was being done. To say later – look, this is the society’s demand,” says the bishop. This is actually what they say now – look, this is the society’s demand, 80% of city and regional councils voted to ban the UOC. Why not now vote for this ban in the Verkhovna Rada as well?”

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the SBU urges to sign an appeal to His Beatitude.

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