Three young parishioners of UOC win "Persona 2019" in Zaporizhzhia

IX VIP Club award ceremony. Photo:

According to the results of the popular vote, which is annually held by the VIP Сlub magazine, three young parishioners of the Zaporizhzhia Eparchy of the UOC have become "Persona 2019" of the city of Zaporizhzhia in the "Junior" nomination, reports the eparchy’s press service.

61 nominees for the honorary titles, who appeared on its pages throughout 2019, were chosen by the editorial staff of VIP Club magazine. The nomination includes heroes with the most relevant, exemplary and inspiring stories.

The greatest excitement was caused by the nomination "Persona Junior", in which two participants who received an equal number of votes became winners.

The first winner is sisters Varvara and Praskovya Ovcharenko, daughters of a priest of the Zaporizhzhia Eparchy of the UOC, Archpriest Alexander Ovcharenko. As a reminder, in 2019 girls became the winners of the national stage of the International IT Entrepreneurship Competition for Girls “Technovation Challenge Ukraine”.

The second winner is Mariam Beladze, a talented singer and laureate of numerous all-Ukrainian and international competitions.

"All three girls are parishioners of churches of the Zaporizhzhia Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church!" emphasizes the press service of the eparchy.

As reported earlier, the daughters of a UOC priest became the winners of the “Technovation Challenge Ukraine” competition.

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