Novinsky: Protection of the Mother of God – special holiday for our Church

Vadim Novinsky. Photo: screenshot / / MP Vadim Novinsky Press Centre

The Protection (Intercession) of the Most Holy Theotokos is a special holiday for our Church and for every Christian. Vadim Novinsky said this on October 14, 2020, the day of the celebration of the Protection of the Most Holy Lady of Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary, reports the MP’s press service.

“This is a special holiday for our Church, for all believers,” said the people's deputy. “For centuries, it has been especially honoured by our Orthodox people, and not only in Ukraine – throughout Kievan Rus’”.

He added that the Most Holy Theotokos helps each of us, regardless of age, rank or profession.

“We may not notice this outwardly, but the Most Holy Theotokos helps everyone who comes with a prayer request to Her; over each of us, there is Her mother's veil. When we turn to Her with a heartfelt prayer to deliver us from sickness, sorrow – everything that brings us suffering in everyday life – She always helps. Each of us has a place in Her heart, in Her prayers,” Vadim Novinsky stressed and urged Ukrainians to prayerfully turn to the Mother of God with a sincere request for the granting of peace to our land.

As reported, on the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God, the Primate of the UOC said that the Most Holy Theotokos is the Mother of all people and prays for us more than we ourselves do.

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